Requests or tickets may be submitted to Unison Customer Support in one of many different ways.

  1. A ticket may be submitted via email using one of the following email addresses:


Unison PRISM Support:

Unison PRISM Grants Support:

Unison FedConnect Support:

Unison MRA Support:

Unison CLM Support:

Unison VAO Support:

Unison Cost Engineering Support:

Unison PM Suite Support:

Unison Marketplace Support:

Unison Pathfinder Support:

  1. A ticket is automatically created upon calling our support phone lines:

Unison Support Phone: 1.800.899.6665

    PRISM: Option 1

    FedConnect: Option 2

    Other Assistance: Option 3

CLM Support Phone: 1.844.501.1256

Marketplace Support Phone: 1.223.332.4343

VAO Support Phone: 1.571.350.0886

  1. A ticket may be submitted here on the support portal (Freshdesk), whether you are logged in or not, by clicking the "New Support Ticket" button on the homepage:


  1. A ticket will be submitted automatically upon providing feedback on a solution article in the support portal (such as this one):

  1. A ticket will be automatically created when a new Forum topic is posted in either the "PRISM Feature Requests" forum or the "Report a Problem" forum, which will be linked to the forum topic for Unison Customer Care to reference. You must be logged into Freshdesk to be able to view or post to the Forums.